This is Maconomy Test Page 1

If you see this page, then the basic retrieval of web pages seems to work. This is a minimum requirement for Maconomy to work at the lowest level. To test more complex requirements, click the link below.

To move to the next Maconomy Test Page, click on the following link: Maconomy Test Page 2

To move to the Maconomy Memory Consumption (64KB chunks) Test Page, click on the following link: Maconomy Test Page 3

To move to the Maconomy Memory Consumption (128MB chunks) Test Page, click on the following link: Maconomy Test Page 4

To move to the Maconomy HTTP POST Test Page, click on the following link: Maconomy Test Page 5

To move to the Maconomy Java Applet Modal Dialog Test Page, click on the following link: Maconomy Test Page 6